Hungry Birds
Mid-winter and with a cold spell forecast, Elliot is about to start daily feeding at a rate of 10kg per day from next week, to make sure the farm birds at Honeydale have plenty of food to see them through.

Elliot has noted that finches (Gold, Chaf and Green), Wood Pigeons, Blackbirds and Dunnocks have been using the patch for forage and the usual suspects (Tits, House Sparrows, Robins, Yellowhammers) are also visiting the feeders hung in the trees. He’s also spotted two pairs of Bullfinches and two pairs of Siskins in the hedgerow between the bees and the orchard.
Due to the time that Elliot feeds them - 9am when the seed left the previous day has all but been consumed - it’s proving difficult to spot more diverse species so Elliot’s plan is to create a viewing vista around the feeding area from which he can observe the species feeding at dusk.