Storm Doris Raises the Roof...

3/08/2017 09:34:00 am 1 Comments one of the Honeydale bee hives! We carried out an inspection on the farm the day after the storm and the top of the National hive, which was recently relocated to the farm, was laying on the ground. The bees were exiting through the top. Doris had also taken down one of the hazel hurdles that shelters the apiary, leaving this particular hive unprotected. It stands higher than the other Nationals and the roof wasn’t strapped down, as is the case with the original Honeydale hives, so it became a sitting target. The roof has now been put back in place and we’re hoping the bees weren’t too distressed. We’ll know more when Paul carries out a full inspection next week.


Graphic Designer at Cotswold Seeds Google

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully they will bee-have until restoration work has been completed
