
12/02/2014 10:36:00 am , , , 0 Comments

Supplementary Bird Feeding Update:

The long, mild autumn we’ve been experiencing in the Cotswolds has resulted in there still being plenty of berries and other fruit available available for farmland birds to feed on and we’ve noticed that some of the supplementary bird seed has therefore not been needed and has remained on the ground.

To reduce this wastage we’ve cut back the amount of seed sown to just under a kilo every few days until the temperatures drop and we have evidence that more of the seed is being consumed in the feeding locations.

But if we have If we have more nights like we’ve had these past couple of weeks, with temperatures falling to -1°C, the farmland birds around Honeydale will be more and more in need of the extra food.

Successful shelter-belt establishment

The shelterbelt on the northern edge of the farm has established well, with a uniform covering along the entire length. We are expecting some barley volunteers in the establishment phase, but this should not be a long-term issue and we’re looking forward to seeing the wild flowers in the spring.


The Sainfoin in the polytunnel has slowed down its growth for the winter but we have generally seen a good take of plants. However there does seem to be some difference in the growth habit with the majority growing to a low height, with a large basal rosette of leaves. A few have a much more upright growth habit and it’s generally these that have flowered this summer.

The usual management technique is to cut or lightly graze a crop of Sainfoin at the end of the first year of establishment to encourage new growth and remove any dead or dying leaves. We have seen some evidence of down mildew on a few plants, which will also be removed during cutting. An Allen Sythe was used to cut the crop at approximately 7 cm, after which the cuttings were removed. We have carried out similar management on a small patch of Sainfoin outside the poly tunnel.

Wild Flowers

The wild flowers were also cut back in a similar manner to the Sainfoin after they had finished flowering in October. Since this was carried out we have some of the species, notably Wild Carrot, Autumn Hawkbit and Ragged Robin, putting up new flower heads. It shows that the cutting rather than decreasing the flowering ability has actually increased the amount of flowers produced by the plant - the Wild Carrot produced 2 flower heads this summer and after cutting in October it now has 17!

Satisfied Sheep!

The sheep have temporarily gone from the Honeydale pasture to allow the grassland a period of rest and recovery which will provide an ‘early bite’ of fresh growth in the spring. It also helps to reduce the worm burden in the soil by stopping the input of worms in the animal faeces for a period.


September - October

10/16/2014 10:32:00 am , , 0 Comments


Polytunnel Harvest:

The plants in the polytunnel have been progressing well, with some of the annual wild flowers now shedding seed after a summer-long display. The Cotswold Common sainfoin plants have established particularly successfully, with some coming into flower. Our plan with this crop is to harvest the seed to preserve this important landrace.

Weaning the Lambs

The ewes and lambs were weaned earlier this month, with the ewes being taken to another pasture on a neighbouring farm in preparation for tupping in the near future. The lambs that have been kept on the Honeydale pasture look extremely healthy and some have been moved to the adjacent hay meadow. The fields they vacated have greened up well during the warm autumn so will offer some first class early grazing in the spring.

Shelter Belt

We have embarked on the creation of a new wildflower area at the top end of the farm, along with a shelter belt of trees to produce a low storey shrubby and glades habitat for farm and woodland birds. The stubble was cultivated by power-harrowing and the seed then broadcast from a quad bike and rolled in with a heavy flat-roll. We eagerly await the spring to see what appears!

Greedy Geese

Since the bales have been cleared from the stubble, we’ve seen an abundance of wildlife on Honeydale, including brown hares crouching on the skyline and several resident deer. Most recently, a flock of Canadian Geese has been grazing on the stubbles most mornings and evenings. We don’t want too many of them though, since they’re notoriously greedy!


Filling the Hungry Gap

We had a visit from the appropriately named, Dr Alan Larkman, Chair of the Oxfordshire Ornithological Society, and Louise Spicer and her colleague Claire from BirdAid - which offers a lifeline to birds during winter - who are working together within the Wychwood Project to promote supplementary feeding.

Providing supplementary food for seed-eating birds, such as the Yellowhammer, Grey Partridge, Tree Sparrow, Corn Bunting, Linnet and Skylark, has been shown to significantly increase their chances of survival during the winter months.

From the middle of December to the middle of March, seed-eating farmland birds can struggle to find enough food to sustain themselves. This is known as the ‘hungry gap’ during which natural food sources and sown bird survival mixtures are often exhausted, leaving the lives of some seeding eating species in the balance, especially in harsh freezing winter conditions and cold springs.

New environmental stewardship schemes are providing funding for supplementary feeding but, like many other farmers and landowners, we’re funding it ourselves, using our small seeds - including millet, linseed, oilseed rape and radish.

Half of the land at Honeydale is stubble now - a mix of Barley Volunteer (and Barley Grain) mixed with Field Madder, Dwarf Spurge, Chickweed, Speedwell, Field Pansy, and Rough Hawkbit, which the small farmland birds have been feeding on, so we’ll be supplementary feeding on these areas where the birds seem to be most comfortable.

Louise was delighted to tell us that Corn Buntings have been sighted by a cyclist further down the valley, so we’re hoping they may visit Honeydale soon.

Hedge Fund Management

Ornithologist Dr Larkman was also very excited to see the mature hedgerows at Honeydale which he described as ‘a great asset for the bird community.’ We’re now looking at how best to manage our own ‘hedge fund’, with plans to retain a large area of the hedges and rejuvenate a small percentage by ‘laying’ them, thereby promoting traditional agricultural skills.



8/22/2014 12:06:00 pm , , 0 Comments

Making Hay and Combining Barley:

We’ve brought in our first Honeydale harvest. Definitely the most important events that have taken place on the farm over the past few weeks has been the hay-making in July and combining the barley earlier this month.

Nigel Adams, who grazes his sheep at Honeydale, brought his mower and tractor to cut and bale the hay meadow which produced 130 round bales and a further 40 small bales. The hay was cut on one of the many hot sunny days, so conditions were ideal, and Nigel was pleased that it made really well and was of good quality to use as animal fodder for the winter.

Our malting barley was combined with the help of the Swinbrook estate who arrived with two big tractors and trailers and a 10.5 metre combine complete with drivers. 

I told Jim, who farmed Honeydale for many years before we took it over last year, that the combine was on its way and he was very excited and pleased that our first harvest had been successful. The barley straw has now been baled and sold on to farmers in Wales for livestock bedding, as we don’t have a requirement for it.


This means that the 12 month baseline cycle we have been following in order to observe the established practices on the farm before deciding what changes to make is now complete.

What’s particularly important about the barley for us is that it has only been in the ground for four and a half months. During the rest of the year the pattern has been for this field to be left as stubble. While this is an easy and low input method of farming it means that the soil has been left inactive for nearly three quarters of the year and this is something we’re going to change, starting from now. We’re planning to grow as much green matter as possible, to improve the soil and produce greater quantities of food. We’re looking at what we can grow to best improve the fertility and what can be achieved if the soil is more active.

The good thing about the stubble was that the skylarks and hares liked it, but we will still continue to provide some of this habitat on the farm.


Living on Honeydale over the summer months, I’ve had chance to see what’s been growing in the polytunnel and observe the changes on daily basis.

Earlier in the year we tried to plant a selection of the seeds we sell at Cotswold Grass Seeds and it’s particularly pleasing to see that the sainfoin has established well. There’s a noticeable difference between the growth habitat of some plants with the majority having a large rosette of basal leaves, while some have put up ‘heads’ and are in flower.

The majority of the cover crop examples have also taken and the cornfield annuals have flowered well. The buckwheat was the first to get going and has now gone over, making way for other species such as borage and annuals like crimson and persian clover.

Unfortunately, most of the brassicas have been badly affected by flea beetle which even struck the mustard and fodder radish which flowered early and are now setting seed.

The dwarf sorghum and millet got away quickly though and the sunflower and quinoa are catching up.

From our spring sowing the earliest wildflowers to bloom were the hawkbit, musk mallow and yellow trefoil while the self heal and lady bedstraw are just starting to come into flower now. The yellow rattle and cowslip did not germinate because they need to go through vernalisation (cold snap) first.

Outside the tunnel, I’ve spotted a clutch of 5 partridge chicks at the top of the drive. They’re very young and not flying yet.

As autumn approaches we’re planning on re-directing the watercourse in the middle field away from the hedge and into several shallow pools to create a feature and create better habitats for wildlife.



7/10/2014 11:23:00 am , , 0 Comments

Bird & Mammal Survey:

Perhaps the most significant thing that’s happened this month is that we’ve received the results of the bird and mammal survey from ecologist Dr Richard Broughton from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, following his visits to Honeydale earlier this year.

The main aim of the survey was to collect baseline information on the breeding bird community of Honeydale Farm. A secondary aim was to record any mammal species and activity where possible, through observation of animals, tracks and signs. The scientific report, which extends to 30 pages including mapping, makes fascinating reading. Here are the summary points and highlights:
The bird community of Honeydale Farm is rich and diverse, with a total of 44 species recorded. Of these, at least 24 species were found breeding on site, 9 of which are of conservation interest as nationally declining species.

For its size, the farm has particularly good populations of three bird species which are of conservation priority, having undergone serious national declines in recent decades: Yellowhammer, Linnet and Skylark. These are the most important aspect of the birdlife on the farm.

At least five (and possibly seven) bird species used the farm buildings for nesting: Swallow, Collared Dove, House Sparrow, Great Tit, Pied Wagtail (and possibly Wren and Blackbird).

Of the mammals, six medium-large species were recorded: Roe Deer, Muntjac Deer, Fox, Badger, Brown Hare and Rabbit. A further three species of small mammal were recorded (Common Shrew, Bank Vole, Mole), although the survey was not geared to sampling the small mammals, and other species almost certainly occur on site. Grass Snake was also recorded.

Good numbers of Brown Hares are present on the farm, mostly in the barley fields, and as a declining species these are the most valuable aspect of the larger mammal biodiversity.

There is some excellent habitat for farmland birds and mammals on the farm, including impressive ancient hedgerows and the unimproved grassland of the rich and beautiful meadow field, and the close proximity of juxtaposing habitats underpins much of the birdlife.

Some enhancements are possible, such as targeted nestboxes or agri-environment options (field margins and plots), although maintaining some of the existing key habitat features are likely the most important efforts that can be made to securing the bird and mammal conservation interest of the farm.


The 70 ewes were sheared on one very hot afternoon. The flock of commercial sheep belongs to the Adams family who run a traditional mixed farm in Leafield. Son Ed and his friend Ollie Coster took charge of the shearing while father, Nigel, pushed the sheep into the shearing pen and our Sam rolled out the fleeces and put them into woolsacks. The wool is now on its way to a central depot, from there it will be marketed by the British Wool marketing Board which coordinates the collection and sale of wool from registered producers.

It was heartening to hear from Nigel that the lambs are doing really well on the permanent grass at Honeydale. Just imagine the results we will get when some proper mixtures are sown!.

Orchids in the Hay Meadow

The Hay Meadow at Honeydale is permanent, low input unimproved grassland which is currently part of an Environmentally Sensitive Area Scheme (ESA). Initially, when we first bought the farm, the meadow was filled with grasses and as winter turned to spring cowslips, lady’s smock, red clover and meadow buttercup came into flower. Jim, the farmer, had told us that there were orchids in the field but it’s been a lovely surprise to see so many, literally hundreds of Pyramidal Orchids and Bee Orchids.

We even found some sainfoin and now we see field scabious and lesser knapweed too. We’re considering introducing more species into the sward by over seeding to further enhance it.


Another surprise was the wild oats popping up in our 60 acres of barley. In time-honoured fashion we’ve hand rouged the majority of the area. The team included, Mike, Mac and Mark from our warehouse together with 16 year old Lewis who is on work experience with us. Hopefully it’s not put him off farming!

Malting barley has been grown at Honeydale for many years and as part of our policy of observing the land for twelve months before making any significant changes, we sowed the same this year. It is now fully out in ear and starting to turn in time for us to harvest in the middle of August. We’re fortunate to be able to work with the Swinbrook Estate, which also grow malting barley, giving us access to machinery and combine harvester which we don’t have on our small farm.



6/23/2014 05:46:00 pm , 0 Comments

Owls, ponds and cats:

The ‘barn owl men’ who visited us in May describe themselves as being like the famous trio from ‘Last of the Summer Wine,’ and so they are. They’re all retired now but Ian Anderson was involved with the Ministry of Agriculture, Farms and Fisheries and now all 3 devote hours to helping to protect barn owls. There are known to be barn owls in the local area so we’re going to put boxes up in our trees to encourage them to nest at Honeydale.

Pascale Nicolet is an expert in freshwater habitats and is advising on how we can create wet areas, scrapes and interlinked small ponds, to attract more wildlife.

We already have feral cats. Six of them. The local cat rescue centre has caught and neutered them so now they’ll live out their days at Honeydale, keeping the rats and mice down.

Tree Planting

We’re working on plans for the autumn to plant native deciduous trees, shrubs and hedges over a seven acre area on the northern edge of the farm. We’re also talking to local architect Alex Corfield, a renowned planner in the Cotswolds. The buildings at Honeydale need replacing and our vision is to build an agricultural centre for sharing knowledge amongst farmers, land managers, the scientific community, college students, right through to school children. But we don’t want to rush into anything until we are absolutely clear about what will work best - as with the rest of the farm, our philosophy is plan before action.

Over the coming months the sheep will leave, the barley will be combined in August and the straw baled. We don’t own a combine but Sam has maintained links with Swinbrook Estate who will come over and harvest our crops. We recognise as many small farmers do that a business like this cannot exist in isolation but needs to be part of a mutually supportive network.

Ian Wilkinson



6/23/2014 05:46:00 pm , , 0 Comments

April was a busy month...


The first lambs arrived at Honeydale to graze two of the three grass fields. We wanted to manage and maintain the grass but didn’t want to commit to having any livestock ourselves at this stage so it was very convenient for us that the local farmer needed to graze his lambs. The grazier Nigel Adams, told us it’s the first time he’s seen sheep on that land for as long as anyone can remember. Prior to that it had been grazed by cattle but lambs were available and were easier to fence than cows.

So in one way we’ve now begun to make the first gentle changes to the way the farm is used. 


The barley was fertilised and sprayed.


We employed a firm to construct and fit out the polytunnel and then we planted sainfoin, a plant we are very passionate about at Cotswold Seeds and with which we have a strong history. Robin Hill who founded CGS 40 years ago has always believed that if we can select the right strain with the right persistency and regrowth, sainfoin will become as popular as it was a hundred years ago. It fell out of popularity due to the intensification of grassland farming, with greater use of nitrogen which promoted ryegrass, but now the nature of farming is changing again and we believe sainfoin should enjoy more days in the sunshine!

Our sainfoin has been grown from seed, sourced locally and I’m delighted to say it’s flourishing.

Mark and Mike from our warehouse developed a technique whereby the individually planted seeds are repotted by burning holes in the plastic flooring of the tunnel so that the seeds can be easily be transferred directly into the soil without damaging them. They’ve also set up an irrigation system and we are conducting experiments with rootgrow, putting mycorrhizal fungi into the roots of the plants to see what difference that makes.


Jodey Peyton and Richard Broughton both work at the CEH (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology) and are the government’s expert advisors on birds and experts. They came to Honeydale to conduct baseline surveys, to record the wildlife on the land before we start to make changes. Jodey shot videos and took bug samples while Richard established that there are 30 species of birds, breeding and feeding at Honeydale. Jodey and Richard will both be returning several times over the next few months in order to complete the picture. We are also waiting for a visit from a plant expert.

Ian Wilkinson



6/23/2014 05:45:00 pm , 0 Comments

Jim and Wendy had sown malting barley, a relatively low input crop, for many years so we thought we’d continue to observe the land by sowing the same again. Sam cultivated and drilled the barley in the middle of March, we settled on the tried and tested ‘Tipple’ variety with the hope that it will make the malting premium at harvest it was then a case of rolling in and leaving. N fertiliser and a grass weed and broadleaf herbicide application to follow in in April.


Ian Wilkinson


There are Always Surprises in Farming

6/23/2014 05:42:00 pm 0 Comments

There are always surprises in farming, of course.

Our first came when Cotswold District Council Health Department served notice on the spring fed water supply to Honeydale. Typically for this area, the water contained high levels of nitrate so was deemed unfit for human consumption, meaning the first digging on the land was to install the new water pipes.


Soil Testing

In order to be able to make a baseline assessment of the soil health so that we can monitor any changes, we took a soil sample from all seven fields in March, collecting in the classic ‘W’ pattern and sent if off to the NRM soil testing lab.

There are two types of soil at Honeydale. The arable land is typical Cotswold limestone but the grassland which covers nearly half the area is lyas clay which lies very wet with higher water tables and poor drainage.

The test results showed the soil contained an average of about 4-5% organic matter, which was about what we’d expected, though it was slightly higher on the grassland. The soil is relatively alkaline with a higher PH on the arable ground.

P & K levels seem fine and we didn’t want to apply fertilisers or manures this year because want to observe how the crops fare at this benchmark level before we start making any changes.

Ian Wilkinson


Sam Moves to Honeydale

6/23/2014 05:42:00 pm 0 Comments

The first thing we needed to do was find a tenant, ideally someone with a farming background who could live on the land and help look after it. Sam Lane was working at the local Swinbrook estate and was looking for a place to live near by. He moved into the cottage in November, we got talking, and now he’s joined our team as technical advisor. It’s great how things work out sometimes. There was the first real link between Honeydale and Cotswold Seeds, before we’d even started to sow anything.

Ian Wilkinson

Having moved into Honeydale in late November I was immediately struck by the stunning panoramic views. They stretch from Chadlington and Charlbury in the North East and all the way around to Rissington, Stow and the Cotswold hills in the south west. I was lucky to experience a mild winter during my first at Honeydale, having been warned that snow does drift along the driveway, when it blows in on top of the hill! On the sunny days it was great to see lots of brown hares and an abundance of skylarks making the most of the over winter stubbles, as a habitat and food source. There are also a resident family of roe deer often seen in the bottom grass meadows of the farm.

As time moves on and we head towards early summer, the farm has really greened up, with the hedgerows and ash and oak trees in full leaf. In the arable fields the Barley ears have emerged which appear to rise and fall on a tide as the wind blows them, while in the grass meadows there are wild flowers and grass panicles in full bloom. Heading into the summer we have lambs that seem to get bigger each day and a pair of nesting red legged partridge. Looking ahead we will soon have a cut of hay from the meadow and have the excitement of the local farm arriving to cut and bale the spring barley, after which we face some tough decisions, as to what we plant for the following year.

Sam Lane


Celene Wilkinson

6/23/2014 05:37:00 pm 0 Comments

I recently discovered a wonderful book called The Farming Ladder by George Henderson, a Cotswold farmer in the early 1900s. He was working the land nearly a hundred years ago, but his wisdom is timeless and sums up our vision for Honeydale.

George Henderson maintained that for the farmer there is only one rule of good husbandry - to leave the land in better heart than he found it. As has been said of George Henderson: this was his sacred trust: to maintain the soil's fertility and pass it on unimpaired to the unborn generations to come. For nothing justified the exhaustion of a farm. A civilisation lasted but a thousand years, while in the farmers' hands lay the destiny of all mankind.

I feel very strongly that soil is an overlooked, over utilised and often neglected part of the farming system which can be kept in a healthy state through the use of seed mixtures which increase soil organic matter, fix nitrogen naturally, help in the suppression of weeds and thus improve yields in addition to being cleaner and kinder to the environment and the pollinators so badly needed by farmers.

I am hoping that we can use Honeydale to trial methods of biological farming, through smaller fields, hedges, crop rotation and livestock use, which can offer a profitable way to farm but in a much more sustainable way than some more modern agricultural practices. It would be fantastic to be able to show people around a farm that could produce profitable results whilst being alive with the sounds of birds and bees and vibrant with a plethora of grasses, flowers and trees.


Buying Honeydale

6/23/2014 05:34:00 pm 0 Comments

It’s always been part of our plan for building our seed business to have a small farm for development purposes, and We’ve been looking to acquire a farm in the Cotswolds for a long time now but we never found anywhere quite suitable, though, until the opportunity came up to buy Honeydale Farm last October.

Jim and Wendy had farmed the hundred acres at Honeydale since they married but were ready to retire to the neighbouring village. Cotswold Seeds celebrates its 40th anniversary this year and that coupled with low interest rates made it feel like the right time for us to buy the farm. With some trepidation, we decided to go for it, and after that things happened very fast, almost too fast, in fact.

The farm was being sold at auction by Tayler and Fletcher at the Fosse Manor Hotel just down the road. I went with my son Jack and though Matthew White, our land agent, took charge of the bidding for us, it was all very nerve-wracking. When the hammer fell, I remember feeling such mixed emotions, excitement coupled with anxiety and panic, a sense of the ground opening up. I think anyone who’s ever bought land or a farm at auction, or even a house, will sympathise.

The next morning we received lots of phone calls from neighbouring farmers who’d found out overnight that ours was the successful bid. They were so supportive and happy for us that it made the stress of it all worthwhile. As did walking round the fields and paddocks that first time, knowing it was ours and starting to plan how best to use it.

Ian Wilkinson